Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

October 12, 2023

Pope Continues Calling for Peace Pope Francis addresses Israel’s Gaza siege. FULL STORY Cardinal Wants LGBT Community Welcomed Cdl. Tobin cites LGBT event at cathedral. FULL STORY Bishop Discusses Gay Blessings Bp. Stowe open to blessing LGBT couples. FULL STORY Strickland’s Latest Pastoral Letter Affirms salvation only happens via the Church. FULL STORY Migrant Numbers Continue Rising Biden loses track […]

St. Wilfrid

St. Wilfrid (634-709) was born in Northumberland,  educated at Lindesfarne and then spent some time in Lyons and Rome. When he returned to England, he made it his life’s work to bring the English Church in line with Roman practice. He was elected Abbot of Ripon in 658 and Bishop of York in 669. During […]

Ten Spiritual Lessons from St. Teresa of Avila

There are only two weeks in the Liturgical Calendar that separate two marvelous, inspiring, and most lovable saints, who truly love us and want us to love them: Saint Thérèse of Lisieux and St. Theresa of Avila. Saint Therese Lisieux we celebrate on October 1st; Saint Teresa of Avila we celebrate October 15th.  What do they […]

A Prayerful Life Needs Interior Silence

We cannot always be thinking of God, nor is it necessary. We can be constantly united with God without the constant thought of Him. The union of our will with the will of God is the sole form of union that is really requisite. Wherein, then, lies the utility of the exercise of the presence […]

Is Obesity Really Beautiful?

Today’s Vortex features an interview from Oct. 4, with naturopathic doctor Mark Sherwood — where he speaks about dangerous wokeness creeping into today’s medical discourse.

Rosary Month

When we have recourse to Mary in prayer, we are having recourse to the Mother of mercy, who is so well disposed toward us that, whatever the necessity that presses upon us especially in attaining eternal life, she is instantly at our side of her own accord, even though she has not been invoked. She […]

Papal Visit to Marseille: Costs Not Covered

“57,000 people at the stadium… and very few donors! Without your donation, we will not be able to cover the cost for the Rencontres méditerranéennes and especially the Mass at Orange Vélodrome stadium, which was an enormous expense. Thank you for making your donation now and forwarding this call for donations to all those close […]