Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Holy Communion and the Wedding Garment of Grace

Picasa Bernardo Strozzi, “Parable of the Invitation to the Wedding,” 1636 SCRIPTURES & ART: A look at the readings for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, through the eyes of Italian Baroque painter Bernardo Strozzi

Cardinal Roche’s Welcome Tonic Against the Toxins of Catholic Polarization…

At the prayer vigil to launch the Synod on Synodality, St. Peter’s Square was decorated to look like a garden. That prompted me to return to some recent summer reading, The Gardens of God by Cardinal Arthur Roche, prefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship. I recommend it as a welcome tonic against the toxins […]

This Sunday, What God’s Invitation Says…

In the days before he died, Jesus wanted us to know we were invited to a big marriage feast in his honor, according to the readings for the 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A.For the last few weeks, and for the remainder of the liturgical year, the Church will present words spoken by Jesus […]

Synod renews prayers for the Holy Land and the world

Synod members gathered in the Paul VI Hall in the Vatican renew prayers for peace. Themes that emerged from Thursday’s Holy See Press Office briefing included the importance of listening, welcoming diversity, and the role of women. Regarding cloud access to confidential documents by outsiders, Paolo Ruffini notes there is nothing secret but a desire […]