Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

ROME 23/10 – Day 15: getting ripped

The days shorten in more than one way.  Sunrise was at 7:20 and sunset was at 18:31. The Ave Maria bell was slated for 18:45 It was the Feast of St. Teresa of Jesus, patroness of chess and the 20th … Read More →

The Creator

NEW YORK (OSV News) — Science fiction is often used as an allegorical vessel within which to explore real-life current events, and such is the case with “The Creator” (20th Century). Although primarily set in the year 2070, this thinking person’s war drama takes for its main topic the very timely subject of artificial intelligence. […]

Archbishop Vigano Makes BIG Announcement

A historic announcement by Archbishop Vigano that many have long been asking him to make — Support this podcast: