Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope at Angelus: Say yes to God’s invitation to joy and communion

In his reflections before leading the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis speaks of the wedding banquet to which God invites everyone, noting our freedom to chose to accept this invitation or not. He encourages us to say “yes” and to always make room for God in our lives so that we may enter into everlasting joy […]

Pope renews appeal for respect of Humanitarian Law in Gaza

Pope Francis issues an urgent appeal for a halt to violence in Israel and Palestine reiterating his belief that wars are always a defeat, and he invites all believers to join the Church in the Holy Land next Tuesday for a Day of Prayer and Fasting. Read all  

Las contribuciones de los inmigrantes Hispanos a la Iglesia y a la sociedad

By Silvio Cuéllar Recientemente tuve la bendición de asistir a una cena del equipo del retiro de hombres “Cámbiame a mí Señor” que se lleva realizando por más de 16 años en la Diócesis de Providence, en Rhode Island. Esta reunión fue una bonita oportunidad para disfrutar un asado, conocernos un poco más y compartir […]

Being a patient is slowly teaching me about patience

“Patience is a virtue,” I try to remind myself as the oncology receptionist hands me the clipboard filled with five separate (and badly copied) forms I know I’ve already completed online. “Don’t complain. Just smile and say thank you,” I whisper internally. Truly, I am grateful these days. I’m grateful for access to excellent health […]

St. Teresa of Avila, Chess, and You

Today is the 20th Sunday after Pentecost in the Vetus Ordo.  It is also the Feast of St. Teresa of Avila. This is from The Way of Perfection 16 by St. Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the Church and Patroness … Read More →

Day 288: Battling Against Gossip (2023)

Fr. Mike explains the importance of wisdom in our everyday lives when we face temptations to gossip, encouraging us in the battle for virtue, wisdom, and goodness. He emphasizes that we must ask the Lord for his wisdom to guide us as we interact with the people around us, just like the Jews prayed before […]

How the Israel-Hamas war may reconfigure the Synod of Bishops

ROME – Though the citation may be apocryphal, former British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan is credited with history’s most famous answer to the question of what’s the greatest challenge facing any political leader, diplomat or statesman. “Events, my dear boy, events,” is the classic reply. Pope Francis and his team may be feeling something of […]