Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

October 18, 2023

Bishop: Synod Can’t Change Bible Colombian prelate: Holy Spirit at work in synod. FULL STORY Pope May Return to Emirates Francis may attend COP28 climate conference. FULL STORY Priest Removed Over Secret Settlement Diocese says it just discovered 2018 agreement. FULL STORY Abortionist Throws Cash Behind Issue 1 Helps fund pro-abortion ballot measure in Ohio. FULL STORY India’s High Court […]

St. Luke

The Beloved Physician St. Luke (Evangelist) lived in the first century, and is the author of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. Luke was a Gentile, making him the only non-Jewish author in the entire New Testament. Luke had a Greek background and education, and was likely born in Antioch. He […]

“Where Is My Alma?”: Alfred Hitchcock’s I Confess

It’s a dark night in Quebec. From the rectory window, Father Michael Logan notices a man in a dark coat enter the empty St. Marie Church. Puzzled, the priest investigates, grabbing a candle to move through murky shadows. As he approaches, the light reveals the haggard face of the handyman, Otto Keller. “I want to […]

The Presence of Angels at the Eucharist

The angels are present especially at the Eucharistic Sacrifice. The Mass is, actually, a sacramental participation in the liturgy of heaven, the cult* officially rendered to the Trinity by the full host of the spiritual creation. The presence of the angels introduces the Eucharist into heaven itself. They help to surround it with a sacred […]

Return to Paradise or the Mystery of Rebirth: Holy Baptism

To someone not initiated into the symbolic universe of the Roman Catholic Church, the liturgy, the Sacraments, and the interior of a church building mean nothing. Invisible to physical eyes, their profound and coherent meanings remain inaccessible. Comparing this situation to a foreign language doesn’t help because someone seeing a page written in, let’s say, […]

Karamo: Sex Traffickers Posing as Catholic Charities at Border

  TRANSCRIPT   Just our quick reminder — Church Militant is on the ground in Rome covering the synod, bringing you every bit of what you need to know each day. Our Rome correspondent, Jules Gomes, reviews the day’s happenings on Church Militant’s rome dispatch, hosted here in Detroit by our own Brad Eli every weekday. We’re […]

1032: Archbishop Vigano: America vs. the Satanic Elite [Podcast]

Dr. Taylor Marshall discusses Archbishop Vigano’s recent message. Watch this new podcast episode by clicking here: If the audio player does not show up in your email or browser, please click here to listen. Dr. Taylor Marshall’s newest book: Antichrist and Apocalypse: The 21 Prophecies of Revelation Unveiled and DescribedAlso get his #1 Bestselling book: Infiltration: […]