Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Spanish foundation cancels event featuring Archbishop Gänswein (Vida Nueva (Spanish))

The Spanish University Foundation (FUE) has announced that a program scheduled for October 18, featuring Archbishop Georg Gänswein, “has been suspended for organizational reasons.” The event had been organized to mark the 30th anniversary of the day when then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger visited FUE headquarters to present the new Catechism of the Catholic Church. The foundation […]

Colombian archbishop: Synod cannot endorse same-sex blessings (CNA)

The Synod on Synodality “cannot remove pages from the Bible,” notes Archbishop José Gomez Rodriguez of Manizales, Colombia. In an interview with ACI Prensa, the Colombian archbishop said that the Church cannot and will not approve blessings for homosexual unions. He said that some media accounts have misinterpreted a statement by Pope Francis, who does […]

Pope to join UN climate conference in Dubai in November? (Pillar)

Pope Francis is seriously considering an invitation to take part in the UN climate-change conference, COP28, in Dubai in November, The Pillar reports. The Pontiff devoted a major portion of his recent apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, to the prospects for the COP28 conference. Sources at the Secretariat of State told The PIllar that an invitation […]

Christians in Gaza choosing to stay (CatholicVote)

Christians in Gaza City have chosen to remain there, despite an Israeli call to evacuate the city, reports Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzabella, the Latin-rite Patriarch of Jerusalem. The Christian families in the city—about 1,200 people—have sought safety in church facilities, the cardinal said. To date none has been killed, although a few have been injured. Cardinal […]