Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Rigging a NEW Catholic Church

Pope Francis’ progressive vision appears to be amplifying the vulnerabilities of Vatican II. The ongoing Synod on Synodality raises concerns, with some fearing it as a part of a broader strategy to ‘rig the Church.’ This initiative, in their view, threatens to undermine centuries of Catholic tradition and moral teachings. Notably, there is a growing […]

An Irish Oasis of Adoration

Using the image of the parched deer, the sacred author of Psalm 42 illustrated the soul’s longing for the true God, a longing that has grown keener than ever in our current age. All too often, modern men and women erect Towers of Babel and fashion golden calves to replace true worship of the Creator, […]

Blessing a Sterile Parody

Now that the old paradigm of Adam and Eve no longer fits, woke ideology having smashed it to bits, Adam and Steve are free to enact rites of courtship and marriage just like everyone else. Can approval from Old Mother Church be far behind? Why shouldn’t same-sex couples be extended the same courtesies as now […]

The Great Sifting

This past weekend I attended a Men’s Eucharistic Procession in downtown Cincinnati with about 800 men (including almost 100 priests and seminarians). I first attended this annual event seven years ago, when about 200 men processed through the streets of Cincinnati. The 300% increase in attendance during that time is encouraging, to say the least. […]

Theologian points to Vatican II’s ‘dynamic’ tradition in Synod on Synodality speech

Australian theologian Father Ormond Rush addresses the General Assembly of the Synod on Synodality on Oct. 23, 2023, in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall. / Credit: Vatican Media livestream Vatican City, Oct 23, 2023 / 14:44 pm (CNA). Vatican II’s discussion of tradition is the authority for the Synod on Synodality’s reflections today, a theologian […]