Reflections on life, meaning and purpose


There are some 1,378,000,000 Catholics on Planet Earth today. They live in almost every imaginable cultural, social, economic, and political circumstance. They manifest their Catholicism in distinctive ways. The vast majority of them are the lay faithful. Given those numbers and that extraordinary diversity, the claim that the “whole Church is gathered in Synod,” so […]

Blitzing the Bishops

TRANSCRIPT   In 2017, when the Vatican secretary of state endorsed and approved an article being published in a well-read journal attacking Church Militant for somehow aligning with evangelicals to establish a theocracy in America, it was total garbage. However, we must give a tip of the hat to the Marxists in Rome, namely, Fr. Anthony Spadaro, […]

Pope Francis to Catholic LGBTQ leader: ‘Thank you for your ministry’

Stan “JR” Zerkowski received a handwritten note from Pope Francis in October 2023. / Credit: JR Zerkowski/Vatican Media CNA Staff, Oct 24, 2023 / 18:56 pm (CNA). A Kentucky man involved in LGBTQ Catholic ministry has posted a letter online he says he received earlier this month from Pope Francis thanking him for his work. […]