Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope Reverses Course on Rupnik — Oct. 31, 2023

Pope Reverses Course on Rupnik Allows canonical prosecution after pushback. FULL STORY Report on Clerical Abusers in Spain Over 200K minors abused by clerics since 1940. FULL STORY Buffalo Diocese Sues to Hide Records Blocks media from seeing handling of abuse claims. FULL STORY Billboards Call on ‘Pro-Choice Catholics’ Ahead of abortion amendment vote in Ohio. FULL STORY Pro-Abortion Proposal […]

St. Wolfgang

Wolfgang was born in Swabia, Germany in 930 A.D. He studied at Reichenau under the Benedictines and at Wurzburg before serving as a teacher in the cathedral school of Trier. He soon entered the Benedictines at Einsiedeln in 964 and was appointed head of the monastery school, receiving ordination in 971. He then set out […]

Martyrs to Truth and Justice

Until He was thirty years of age, Christ’s life was largely hidden.  When He began his public ministry, He went to the synagogue in Nazareth and read aloud a passage from the prophet Isaiah:  “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; because he has anointed me; to bring good news to the poor he […]

Dissidents Sign Anti-Censorship Declaration

TRANSCRIPT   So just how bad has censorship and “cancel culture” gotten? Well, imagine a scene where a gang from all over the ideological spectrum come together to say it’s got to end. People as divergent as Oliver Stone, Jordan Peterson, Julian Assange, Richard Dawkins, John Cleese and Tim Robbins are all joining arms and calling for it […]

Catholics Stand Against the Synod in Rome

New from RTV… On October 30, Catholic leaders presented to the media condemnations of the Synod on Synodality’s departure from the teachings of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Holy Scriptures.