Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Doctrinal Revolution

Church Militant’s Rome correspondent, Dr. Jules Gomes, discusses how Cdls. Blase Cupich and Robert McElroy are trying to change Church teaching. Please make a donation below!    

Catholic Charities reacts to ‘disturbing’ online threats over migration efforts

Catholic Charities USA, the organization dedicated to carrying out the domestic humanitarian work of the Catholic Church in the United States, responded Oct. 31 to “disturbing” recent remarks by a social media influencer threatening its staff. The right-wing social media influencer Stew Peters said in Oct. 28 comments that Catholic Charities helps “coach illegals on […]

Rupnik accusers have hopeful expectations ‘for the truth to be recognized’

A group of alleged victims of Father Marko Rupnik said Monday that Pope Francis’ decision to lift the statute of limitations on the case and order the opening of a new process against the priest accused of sexual abuse “is an appropriate step for the truth to be recognized.” Gloria Branciani, Mirjam Kovač, Vida Bernard, […]

After mass shooting, Maine parish becomes hub of healing

(OSV News) — A Maine parish has become a hub of healing as its community grapples with a devastating mass shooting. “It’s been miraculous what the Holy Spirit has done,” said Tyler Nadeau, director of evangelization and catechesis at Prince of Peace Parish in Lewiston, Maine. “I can say with 100% certainty that God has […]

Poem | Pebble

Poem | Pebble By Brian Swann October 31, 2023 Under clouds cold as blue clay, light seeps into milkweed so it speaks monarchs, and the wind sings stones with voices from where there are none, from even before there was anything to give voice, calling in that gull’s shadow angling in then gone sumptuous as […]

A Star Recruit

A Star Recruit By Matt Mazewski October 31, 2023 When evaluating the job performance of government officials, I like to apply one of the few sports analogies I understand and consider their “wins above replacement,” a sabermetric term that refers to a baseball player’s record relative to that of the average player with whom their […]