U.S. population expected to decline after 2080; low fertility a cause, Census Bureau says

null / Credit: Shutterstock CNA Staff, Nov 10, 2023 / 14:30 pm (CNA). The U.S. population will peak later this century before experiencing a decline by 2100, the U.S. Census Bureau said this week, with low fertility numbers partly explaining the projected decrease.  The bureau said in a press release on Thursday that the country’s population “is […]

Of Mercy and Mammon

A Reflection for the Memorial of St. Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church, by Ryan Di Corpo

The Synod, The State of the Church & How to be a Saint

Matt talks to Ralph Martin about the state of the Church, the recent synod on synodality, and how to become a saint. Giveaway Link: www.catholicwoodworker.com/giveaway Follow Ralph on YouTube:  @RenewalMinistries  Citations: New Dubia on TransSexuals and Homoaffective Persons: https://reasonandtheology.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/rc_ddf_20231031-documento-mons-negri-en-1-1-3.pdf  Moto Propio on a New Way of Doing Theology: https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/it/motu_proprio/documents/20231101-motu-proprio-ad-theologiam-promovendam.html  

An unprecedented Fat Bear Week story just got even better…

In 2022, the park rangers monitoring Alaska’s fat bears were astonished. Brown bears are extremely cautious animals, constantly vigilant of threatening outsiders. That’s why mothers and cubs keep to themselves. Yet last year, bear viewers both online and at the park witnessed two family groups in Katmai National Park and Preserve act like a big […]

Why You Should Stop in the Middle of Your Run…

Afew years ago, I was out on a run with a friend in New York. It was the first perfect day of the year—60 degrees, partly cloudy. The city seemed new again. As we jogged through the West Village, she suddenly came to a stop in front of a store window. “Let’s go in!” she […]