Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The ECHR Wants to Impose Euthanasia on the Entire EU

An article published by Le Figaro on November 10, as well as a report from the European Center for Law and Justice (ECLJ) put online days ago explains how the ECHR manages to impose its ideological whims. On November 28, the ECHR must consider the request of a 46-year-old Hungarian, suffering from neurodegenerative disease, to […]

The American Clergy: The Pendulum Is Swinging Back

This most recent study is the second of a three-part investigation that focuses on several thousand priests from 191 dioceses. The first part (published October 2022), revealed that, although fulfilled in their priesthood, many priests felt they were suffering from too much pressure and felt a distrust by their bishop, not to mention the fear […]

Vatican: A New Sound System for St. Peter’s Basilica

More than 80 speakers and a state-of-the-art digital system improve the technical quality of sound and voice broadcasting, Vatican News announced July 21. The sub-floor wiring has been replaced by 200 kilometers (about 125 miles) of modern fibers which greatly facilitates the transmission of signals and the management of the system itself. “The system allows […]

Thanksgiving Day: A Great Day to Give God Praise!

Thanksgiving is a great, uniquely American holiday. Strictly speaking, Thanksgiving is not a Church holiday, but it should be! What’s wrong with putting one day aside in the course of the year just to offer thanks to God for everything? Thanksgiving is deeply linked to our encounter with Christ at Mass Thanksgiving is a day […]

Biden administration’s 2023 Thanksgiving address leaves out God

The secular address stands in stark contrast to the God-centered proclamations issued by former president Donald Trump, who mentioned God repeatedly in all of his Thanksgiving proclamations and called on Americans in 2020 ‘to gather, in homes and places of worship, to offer a prayer of thanks to God for our many blessings.’