Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

‘Net zero’ parish a concrete result of Indian church’s eco-push

MUMBAI – Just ahead of Pope Francis’s scheduled participation in the COP-28 climate change summit in Dubai, a national ecological conference in India suggests the pontiff’s agenda of environmental concern is taking root at the church’s local level. The Nov. 21-23 summit is being held at the Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, a pontifical atheneum in Karnataka […]

Pope warns Germany’s ‘Synodal Way’ threatens church unity

DENVER – In response to a letter from four female German theologians who resigned from the German church’s Synodal Way over concerns with various aspects of the process, Pope Francis has said the German initiative risks breaking unity with the global church and cited several aspects he found particularly troubling. The pope’s reply was dated […]

US bishops’ agency ramps up aid to Gaza amid hopes for indefinite ceasefire

NEW YORK – Following a temporary ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas, the U.S. bishops’ international humanitarian aid agency is ramping up its humanitarian assistance to Gaza with the hope that the ceasefire agreement will last indefinitely. Bill O’Keefe, Catholic Relief Services executive vice president for mission and mobilization, told Crux that the organization is […]

Biden administration’s 2023 Thanksgiving address leaves out God

The secular address stands in stark contrast to the God-centered proclamations issued by former president Donald Trump, who mentioned God repeatedly in all of his Thanksgiving proclamations and called on Americans in 2020 ‘to gather, in homes and places of worship, to offer a prayer of thanks to God for our many blessings.’Read More