Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Cdl. Peter Turkson Bashes Anti-LGBT Laws

Church Militant’s Rome correspondent, Dr. Jules Gomes, discusses how Cdl. Turkson’s influence is impacting laws criminalizing gay advocacy.     Please make a donation below!    

Mexican presidential candidate blasts gender ideology (CNA)

Aspiring Mexican presidential candidate Eduardo Verastegui has released a statement denouncing gender ideology and indoctrination of children. “Let it be very clear. If they give me the opportunity to be president of Mexico, I will not allow the entire LGBT+ alphabet to continue contaminating our nation. I don’t want Mexican children sexualized and indoctrinated in […]

In Vatican trial, defense protests ‘outrage against the truth’ (Vatican News (Italian))

Defense lawyers told a Vatican tribunal that there is “not an ounce of truth” in prosecutors’ charges against financier Raffaele Mincione, in the 81st hearing of the Vatican’s financial-misconduct trial on December 4. Mincione’s lawyers argued that prosecutors had built their case on an unsupported theory— “a sort of parallel reality”— by claiming that Mincione […]

CELAM bishops back Guatemalan cardinal, threatened with arrest (ADN)

The leaders of the Latin American bishops’ conference CELAM has issued a statement of support for Cardinal Alvaro Ramazzini of Huehuetenango, Guatemala, who has been threatened with arrest by his country’s government. The cardinal has appealed for the recognition of president-elect Bernardo Arevalo, who won a resounding upset victory in August elections and is due […]

Notre Dame introduces new university president (Crux)

Father Robert Dowd, who has been vice president of Notre Dame, has been named to succeed Father John Jenkins as president of the university. Father Dowd, a longtime faculty member, will take the helm at the end of the current academic year. He will be the university’s 18th president, and will continue the unbroken Notre […]

Q & A: Can one Mass satisfy both my Sunday and Christmas obligation in 2023?

Q:Since Christmas is on Monday this year, can I go to a Christmas vigil Mass on Sunday and have it fulfill my Sunday and Christmas obligations? (Boston) A: As you note, in 2023 Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday (which is also the Fourth Sunday of Advent). And like all Sundays, Catholics are required to attend […]