Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Jailed Nicaraguan bishop is declining health (Pillar)

Bishop Rolando Alvarez, who has been jailed in Nicaragua since August 2022, is in declining health, The Pillar reports, and may not survive the harsh conditions in prison, where he has only begun to serve a 26-year sentence. Although Bishop Alvarez reportedly turned down an offer to be exiled from Nicaragua, The Pillar reports that […]

Pope St. Damasus, Pray For Us

GFreihalter Pope St. Damasus I is seen in a stained-glass window of Église Saint-Vincent-de-Paul de Clichy in France. In his 18-year pontificate, Damasus was an able defender of the faith, condemning Arianism and other heresies of his day.

Macron to invite pope to Notre Dame’s December 2024 reopening

A year from the reopening of the Notre Dame Cathedral in the heart of the French capital, the cross is again overlooking Paris from the top of the newly installed wooden spire. On Dec. 8, 2024, the most famous cathedral in the world will welcome the faithful again. The French president said he will extend […]