Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Nuncio Asks Brazil Bishop Who Criticized Amazon Synod to Leave Prelature

Bishop Emeritus José Luis Azcona at the 56th general assembly of the CNBB in Aparecida, San Pablo, in 2018. According to media reports, Bishop Azcona will have to leave Marajó in January, when the new bishop, José Ionilton Lisboa de Oliveira, appointed by Pope Francis at the beginning of November, takes office.

Federal judge sentences priest to 6 years in prison for possessing child pornography

Judge William Smith of the U.S. District Court in Providence, Rhode Island, imposed a sentence for Father James Jackson of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter a year longer than the five-year minimum recommended by the prosecution and defense attorneys because of the priest’s ‘authority’ and ‘responsibility’ as a member of the Catholic clergy.

Federal judge sentences priest to 6 years in prison for possessing child pornography

Judge William Smith of the U.S. District Court in Providence, Rhode Island, imposed a sentence for Father James Jackson of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter a year longer than the five-year minimum recommended by the prosecution and defense attorneys because of the priest’s ‘authority’ and ‘responsibility’ as a member of the Catholic clergy.Read More

1047: VIGANO calls Pope Francis a FALSE Prophet APOSTATE Pope [Podcast]

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò published a video address on “Is the Pope Catholic?” in which he asserts that Jorge Bergoglio-Pope Francis is a “false prophet” and “apostate pope” to which no Catholic owes obedience. Dr. Taylor Marshall provides commentary. Watch this new podcast episode by clicking here: If the audio player does not show up […]

Old Mass – New Mass. A few comments and a video.

I saw again videos from Mass of Ages.  They are very good and I recommend them.  I’m puzzled by their choices of whom to speak with.  But… hey. This is one of the most powerful things I have ever seen … Read More →

African bishops united on supporting traditional families

The woke LGBT agenda continues expanding to Africa. Archbishop Philip Arnold Subira Anyolo of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Nairobi delivered a critical message in an exclusive sit-down interview with LifeSiteNews co-founder John-Henry Westen, describing how God’s plan for society – the traditional family – must be protected and supported by the Catholic Church. Woke activists now […]