Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

How Are We Supposed to Interpret Holy Scripture? – Apologetics #28

This episode of the SSPX Podcast continues the Apologetics Series by examining further one of the fonts of revelation: Sacred Scripture. Having previously discussed the truth of the Bible and its divine inspiration, the Podcast turns to a major point of contention between Catholics and other Christian denominations, namely the interpretation of Scripture and the […]

How Do We Save Our Souls? Faith, Works, or Both? – Apologetics #29

On today’s episode of the SSPX Podcast, we’ll continue our Apologetics Series by looking at Justification – or how to get to Heaven. How are we justified? Did Christ do all the work through Redemption? Do we simply need to believe that His infinite merits are enough or do we need to do something more? […]

Do We Have a Choice in Our Own Salvation? – Apologetics #30

On today’s episode of the SSPX Podcast, we’ll continue our Apologetics Series by furthering our understanding on one of the more complex issues dividing various Christian denominations – Predestination. We know that God knows all things – so He knows whether we will achieve salvation. So, why does it matter whether we do anything for […]

Is it Logical that Hell and Purgatory Would Exist?- Apologetics #31

On today’s episode of the SSPX Podcast, we continue the Apologetics Series by looking at what is commonly called, “The Last Four Things” – that is: heaven, hell, purgatory, and judgement. What happens after we die? Is it fitting that we will be judged by God? And is it compatible with our understanding of God […]

Is There Such a thing as Morality?- Apologetics #32

On today’s episode of the SSPX Podcast, we continue our Apologetics Series by looking at the concept of morality. This is the first of three episodes on the morality, with each one examining a unique spect of this topic. First, we explore if there is such a thing as objective and universal moral truth. For […]

What’s More Important, Morality or Conscience? – Apologetics #33

On today’s episode of the SSPX Podcast, we’ll continue looking at the concept of morality with Fr. Palko. Last episode, we saw that an objective moral law exists. Now we begin to explore what this means for our lives. Are there circumstances where the same action can be more or less bad? What role does […]

Sexual Morality, Transgenderism, LGBTQ+, Abortion, Euthanasia – Apologetics #34

Please note: Before we begin this episode, a content warning. Father and I will be discussing topics of an adult nature, and speaking frankly about issues touching on the 6th and 9th commandment, upon others. While these are important issues, and Catholics must be aware of the morality of these topics and not just turn […]

How Can We Prove the Eucharist is Our Lord? – Apologetics #35

On today’s episode of the SSPX Podcast, we begin the first of two episodes on the sacraments, and show that not only are they necessary, but they are rooted in Scripture. In this installment, we look specifically at the concept of the Mass as a sacrifice and the priesthood. Does God really require sacrifice? And […]

District Superior of Asia Fr. Patrick Summers – Interview Series #9

On this special episode of the SSPX Interview Series, we’re joined by Fr. Patrick Summers, the District Superior of Asia for the Society of St. Pius X. Father Summers shares some of the unique challenges and stories of the life of Tradition in the missions and encourages us to pray that the Lord send more […]