Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

WATCH: Archbishop Peta, Bishop Schneider ban ‘blessings’ of homosexual couples in their archdiocese

The Kazakhstan prelates rebuked Pope Francis’ new declaration approving ‘blessings’ for homosexual couples which was issued by the Vatican despite the unchangeable Catholic teaching that the Church cannot bless sinful relationships. READ MORE HERE:   HELP US FIGHT THE LIES OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND SPREAD THE TRUTH AROUND THE WORLD:  LOVE LIFESITE? […]

Thank You for the Continued Support

I’m so grateful for the outpouring of support we’ve received these past few weeks. As the donations and well-wishes arrive, I’m moved by Catholic Exchange’s global impact and engaged community. Fundraisers are perennially uncomfortable. I always used to cringe asking for money at something as simple as a bake sale, and understand you are inundated with requests […]

Grandparents: What’s Your Christmas Story?

Heading into the Christmas season we are once again reminded of the greatest story ever told-of God’s gracious love for His people, most perfectly demonstrated by His entering into our world. The story, part of an even larger story of God’s love for His people, will be repeated innumerable times during this season to the […]

Seeking The Burning Babe Who Sets Our Hearts Aflame

We are all pilgrims seeking to find the love we are made for. Christmas is a reminder that the one who is Love is already seeking us. He came from the heights of His glory from all eternity to dwell in the utter poverty of a cold cave and the muck of this fallen world. […]

Papal prayer for victims of earthquake in China (Vatican News) (Vatican News)

Pope Francis expressed his closeness to victims of a deadly earthquake in China. “I am close with affection and prayer to the suffering people,” the Pope said on December 20, following his December 20 general audience. “I encourage the emergency services, and invoke the blessing of the blessing of the Almighty upon all, so that […]

Pope asks for prayers for Ukraine, Palestine, and Israel (Vatican News)

Pope Francis renewed his calls for prayers for war-torn nations of the world and repeated his criticism of weapons manufacturers. ““Please, let us think about Palestine, about Israel,” he said on December 20. “Let us think about Ukraine, tormented Ukraine, which is suffering so much.” “Let us not forget the peoples who suffer the evil […]

Strong USCCB support for Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act (USCCB) (USCCB)

The bishops who chair three committees of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops offered their “strong support” of the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act, which would prevent discrimination against “child welfare service providers who believe that children are best served when placed with a married mother and father.” “It is regrettable that this exclusion […]