Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Massacre in Christian village in Nigeria (Vatican News)

At least 140 people were killed and another 300 wounded in a Christmas-eve attack on Christian villages in the Plateau state of Nigeria. Gunmen assaulted 20 remote villages in what observers described as a coordinated attack. The killings were attributed to military-style gangs that are active in a continuing battle between farmers and herders in […]

Become a Novelty By Extending Your Christmas Celebration…

We are a novelty in our neighborhood and perhaps among our friends and acquaintances as well. Long after Christmas, New Year’s Day and Epiphany, our Christmas decorations — both inside and outside — remain up and lighted. We leave them up until the Presentation of the Lord, celebrated Feb. 2 each year. What’s more, we […]

Extend your Christmas celebration by singing carols and reading aloud…

Our celebration of Christmas is ongoing. This is not about ‘making a point’ or offering a corrective to others. It is a matter of taking the opportunity to express our joy and gratitude, as well as our resolve that the birth of Christ make a real difference in our life. We hope that our celebration […]

Producer shares story of ‘family saint’ with new generation of Catholics

Susan Agostinelli shows Pope Francis a picture of her great, great uncle, Bl. Grimoaldo Santamaria of the Purification, during a meeting at the Vatican on Oct. 6, 2022. The audience was part of a conference on holiness and sainthood hosted by the Vatican. / Credit: Vatican Media Rome, Italy, Dec 27, 2023 / 10:30 am […]

Brazil’s Congress nixes government funding of abortions, sex changes for minors

Brazilian congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of former president Jair Bolsonaro, speaks to the media on Oct. 22, 2023. / Credit: Luis Robayo/AFP via Getty Images ACI Digital, Dec 27, 2023 / 11:55 am (CNA). Just prior to its Christmas recess, the National Congress of Brazil passed an amendment to the Budgetary Guidelines Law (LDO) of […]

ROME SHOT 892 – Caroling!

In some places EPIPHANY is the big gift giving day, for obvious reasons.  Please remember me when  EPIPHANY  shopping online. Thanks in advance. US HERE – UK HERE  These links take you to a generic “catholic” search in Amazon. Amazon remembers that you … Read More →