Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

French priest and Holocaust expert counters attempts to exploit Jesus for anti-Israel agenda

Father Patrick Desbois leads Yahad-In Unum, an organization created to the locate the sites of mass graves of Jewish victims of WWII Nazi mobile killing units. / Credit: CHRISTOPHE ARCHAMBAULT/AFP via Getty Images Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Dec 28, 2023 / 16:45 pm (CNA). A French priest and Holocaust expert criticized Israel’s detractors, especially viral social […]

Catholics Worship Mary! …and other Myths About Saints: Apologetics #37

On today’s episode of the SSPX Podcast, we discuss one of the most common objections to the Catholic Faith, namely that Catholics pray to Mary and the saints instead of going directly to Jesus. This criticism, common among Protestants, is often rooted in the Bible’s directive to go directly to Jesus and His Father. Why […]

The Holy Innocents: Patron Saints of the Pro-Life Movement?

Scripture tells us that in King Herod’s attempt to kill Jesus, he had all babies in and around Bethlehem murdered. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy discuss these victims of infanticide, known as the Holy Innocents. They should be invoked as patron saints of the pro-life movement.

Oregon mother appeals court ruling in religious discrimination adoption case

Oregon resident Jessica Bates appealed a court’s ruling against her in a case alleging that the government is religiously discriminating against her by refusing to allow her to adopt children from the state system. / Credit: Alliance Defending Freedom CNA Staff, Dec 28, 2023 / 15:15 pm (CNA). An Oregon mother of five has appealed […]

Oregon Mother Appeals Court Ruling in Religious Discrimination Adoption Case

Oregon resident Jessica Bates appealed a court’s ruling against her in a case alleging that the government is religiously discriminating against her by refusing to allow her to adopt children from the state system. The foster care advocacy group Project 48 says there are approximately 5,346 kids in foster care in Oregon.