Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Cathedral hosts prayers for LA’s homeless dead as crisis worsens

Archbishop José H. Gomez called on Angelenos to look at those suffering on the streets with “new eyes” at an interreligious prayer service remembering the city’s homeless dead. “We need to bear one another’s burdens; we need to lift up our neighbors when they’ve fallen, bind their wounds, and find them a place to live.” […]

Virtue of simplicity: How decluttering our lives and homes advances our spiritual lives

By Emily Stimpson Chapman (OSV News) — Religious have it easy — at least in some regards. Consider, for example, their vow of poverty. Religious brothers, sisters and priests pledge a sacred oath that shields them from basements overrun by toys, cupboards overflowing with unused wedding gifts, and closets stuffed with purses and shoes. Religious […]

From Creation to This Cradle…

Before all time’s beginning, before creation’s making, was our Lord, who is living. Omnipotent, all-knowing, unlimited, all-loving, the self-existent Being. This eternal deity was not solely unity, but divine community. Father and Son, self-giving, Spirit from both, proceeding, Trinity, ever-living. Though God could not be more great, goodness loves to propagate, so he opted to […]

Zelensky’s move against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is a step too far…

They say that desperate times call for desperate measures, and right now the situation in Ukraine is getting increasingly desperate for President Volodmyr Zelensky and his administration. Despite its unquestionable valour, the Ukrainian Army remains locked in a grinding stalemate with Vladimir Putin’s Russian invaders. If this weren’t enough of a challenge, President Zelensky has […]

15 Global Landmarks That Are Visible From Space…

Contrary to popular belief, the Great Wall of China can NOT be seen by the naked eye from space, as recently confirmed by NASA. (The famous structure tends to blend into similarly-colored surroundings.) There are, however, many other landmarks around the world — both natural and human-made — that are visible from satellites and space […]

The One Ingredient That Makes French Toast 100 Times Better…

As mornings get darker and colder, the promise of a good breakfast is pretty much required to get me out of bed. Luckily, I think I’ve found the ultimate way to brighten even the coldest winter morning: Arlyn Osborne’s red bean French toast. With a two-ingredient filling featuring sweet red bean paste and cream cheese, […]

Will Walsingham become the nucleus for the re-Christianization of England?

Since medieval times, England’s national shrine, set deep in the beautiful north Norfolk countryside, has been regarded as a great center of Catholic faith, a beacon of light and hope through the nation’s long and tumultuous history. That is no less the case today. As the country becomes ever more secular and “post-Christian,” so the […]