Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

One-of-a-Kind Saint Charbel Spiritual Center Opens in Pittsburgh

Courtesy photo The Saint Sharbel Spiritual Life Center in Pittsburgh opened in December 2023 and offers spiritual formation with a special focus on the life of Maronite priest and hermit St. Sharbel Makhlouf. The center, which is adjacent to Our Lady of Victory Maronite Parish, also includes a library filled with more than 10,000 books […]

An Adventurous Suggestion for 2024 Reading

When I began writing this monthly column in January 2023, I named it “Redeeming the Time.” I use the space to revisit some past literary, theological, philosophical, or historical text, or a milestone anniversary of some notable event or person. My intention is to reaffirm and celebrate the timeless importance of that text, event, or […]

News of the Church 07 – 10 January 2024

It’s 10 January 2024 and it is a Wednesday. Some time ago, I saw a movie called News of the World in which after the Civil War a former confederate officer ekes out a living wandering about reading newspaper stories … Read More →