Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Tanzanian boys are becoming devout Catholic leaders — With your help

Catholic entrepreneur Christopher Wendt has launched an initiative to build the ‘St. Benedict House of Studies’ in Tanzania, Africa — all to accommodate the authentic and traditional Catholic faith growing in the African nation. ‘St. Benedict House of Studies’ will support a school for boys, giving them education and formation to become Catholic priests. Wendt […]

Obispos piden a los ecuatorianos de bien que se unan contra la violencia y el caos

(OSV News) — En medio de una ola de violencia sin precedentes en Ecuador, la conferencia episcopal del país sudamericano emitió el 9 de enero un comunicado en el que pide a la población unirse contra los disturbios causados por las bandas criminales, cuyas operaciones fueron definidas como actos de “traición a la patria”. Los […]

Catholic organizations urge prayer for Nicaragua amid crackdown on church

MEXICO CITY (OSV News) — The Pontifical Mission Societies and Aid to the Church in Need are urging Christians to pray for peace in Nicaragua amid a crackdown on the Catholic Church and the imprisonment of priests and bishops. The two organizations are convening a novena to the Immaculate Conception of Mary, starting Jan. 14, […]