Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Remember Rievaulx, these Churches, and the ‘Catholic vote’ con…

Last year, Communion and Liberation acknowledged allegations of “sexual abuse, sexual misconduct, and psychological abuse” made against its former U.S. leader. But, while an October letter offered an apology to anyone “harmed by these evil acts,” alleged victims say the movement has not addressed elements of its culture which, they say, allowed abuse to occur […]

This Sunday, What To Do When the Priest Says ‘Behold the Lamb of God’…

If you want what Jesus, offers, you have to live where he lives — in a place of littleness and poverty, but also mystery and power. That’s the message the Church gives us on the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B, as we leave the Christmas Season, centered on Christ’s emergence into the world, […]

This is St. John Paul II’s remedy for the crisis of the human person…..

Yesterday, in the name of equality, many progressive voices demanded that women be permitted to act as men, regardless of how corruptly men might act. Today, in the name of equality, these voices say men must be permitted to attempt to become women. The predominant anthropological views of those currently driving the messaging of most […]