Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Prayer Imploring for Holy Popes

Praised be Jesus Christ! Dear faithful Catholics, especially those who suffer as they witness our Holy Mother Church live through an unprecedented crisis. Dear Catholic fathers and mothers of families! Dear Catholic young people! Dear innocent Catholic children! And especially dear religious contemplative Sisters, the spiritual gems of the Church! Dear Catholic seminarians! Dear Catholic […]


Please remember me when  shopping online. US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful. Photo from The Great … Read More →

Twin Sisters of Life Share Their Vocation Stories Prior to Life Fest

Sister Pia Jude (left) and Sister Luca Benedict (right), twin sisters and Sisters of Life. The two sisters were drawn to the Sisters of Life in particular because of the ‘invitation to spousal love with Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom of every soul, and the attraction to the charism of life,’ Sister Pia Jude explained.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Commemorates Historic Meeting of 2 Lungs of the Church

Courtesy photo Pope Paul VI meets Orthodox Patriarch Athenagoras I at his residence of the apostolic delegation on Jan. 5, 1964. The meeting between the two church leaders ended a 900-year standoff between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. Each day of the weeklong celebration is centered on different Scripture readings and meditations, […]

West Coast Marches for Life

SAN FRANCISCO ( – Pro-lifers on the West Coast will be on the march this weekend. Route for the Walk for Life West Coast  The 20th annual Walk for Life West Coast is scheduled to take place in San Francisco on Saturday, Jan. 20. The day’s activities will kick off at 9:30 a.m. with Mass […]