Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Words of wisdom as we march for babies and their moms

On Friday, January 19, pro-life people from all across America will participate in the 51st March for Life. The theme this year is “with every woman, for every child.” This beautiful theme highlights one of […]

Pope Francis: Worst Pope in History? (Pornocracy, pt. 4)

Part I The Third Pornocracy: the Current Crisis in the Church Part II Pornocracy and the Coming Reign of Antichrist Part III Good out of Evil Papal Corruption First, Let’s Be Honest About the History of Persecution I’ve spent nearly eleven years of my life as a Catholic, and all of it under Pope Francis. […]

Maine bishop blasts liberal abortion bill as ‘immoral and unnecessary’

A proposal from Maine legislators to codify the right to an abortion throughout a pregnancy in the state’s constitution has drawn the ire of the state’s lone Catholic bishop, who has called the proposal “immoral and unnecessary.” The proposal, made earlier this week, follows last summer’s passage of a bill that expanded abortion access in […]

US bishops’ Collection for the Church in Latin America set for Jan. 27-28

The U.S. bishops’ upcoming Collection for the Church in Latin America helps meet the “myriad spiritual and material needs among the most impoverished people in the western hemisphere,” said Bishop Octavio Cisneros, chair of the bishops’ Subcommittee on the Church in Latin America. “In an era with too much focus on what divides us from […]

Catholic groups applaud enhanced Child Tax Credit in framework tax deal

WASHINGTON (OSV News) — The chief congressional tax writers announced Jan. 16 a framework for a bipartisan, bicameral deal that would enhance the Child Tax Credit, a provision some Catholic organizations have long sought as a pro-family and anti-poverty effort. The framework for an agreement between House Ways and Means Chair Jason Smith, R-Mo., and […]

BREAKING: World Economic Forum Elites Told to Their Faces, “You’re Part of the Problem!”

Heritage Foundation’s Kevin Roberts said that everyone in the next administration must “compile a list of everything that’s ever been proposed at the World Economic Forum” and object to all of them, “wholesale.” READ MORE HERE: HELP US FIGHT THE LIES OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND SPREAD THE TRUTH AROUND THE WORLD:  LOVE LIFESITE? […]