Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Vatican conference focuses on informed consent in medical research (Vatican Press Office)

The Pontifical Academy for Life, together with the World Medical Association and the American Medical Association, is sponsoring a conference in Rome this week on medical research in impoverished societies. The primary focus of the conference is on informed consent. In a message to participant, Pope Francis remarked that “we are witnessing many injustices that […]

Dutch bishops: no blessings for same-sex couples (Catholic Herald)

The Catholic bishops of the Netherlands have ruled out church blessings for same-sex couples, while allowing for blessings of individuals. “It is possible to say a prayer about individual believers who live in an irregular relationship,” according to a statement from the Dutch bishops’ conference. “For someone living in an irregular or homosexual relationship, the […]

Veneration of saints can spur ecumenism, Pope says (Vatican News)

Welcoming an ecumenical delegation from Finland at the start of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Pope Francis remarked that “there have been times when the veneration of saints appeared to be a source of division rather than of unity.” The Pontiff thanked Evangelical Lutheran Bishop Astrand for sepaking about “the witness of the […]

Most Americans favor some abortion restrictions, new poll shows (Knights of Columbus)

Most Americans favor some restrictions on abortion, according to a new Marist poll sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Although 58% of the respondents described themselves as “pro-choice”—as against 40% “pro-life”—two-thirds said there should be some legal restrictions on abortion, and when questioned about specific restrictions, the same 58% figure supported either a total ban […]

Congolese bishops urge re-elected President Felix Tshisekedi to work for unity

As President Felix Tshisekedi prepares to be sworn in on Saturday for his second term, the National Episcopal Conference of the Congo (CENCO) issues a statement in which the bishops deplore “electoral catastrophe” in December, while urging President Felix Tshisekedi to work for unity and territorial integrity of the conflict-torn country. Read all