Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

WOW: Comedian Goes ALL-IN with Pro-Life Comedy!

Nicholas De Santo is the world’s only self-professed pro-life comedian, using humor to directly shed light on the joy and truth of the pro-life movement. De Santo navigates the abortion debate with laughter — revealing the winsome position of choosing life and family over abortion. Watch the full show here: HELP US FIGHT THE […]

Skin in the Game…

I’ve written about an old and very close friend, Joe Mahoney, in this space before. Joe died in an automobile accident on Christmas Eve. He was 80. He left behind a treasured wife of 58 years, eight children, and 24 grandchildren. Most people have many friendships over a lifetime. But real friends, the intimate kind, […]

Multiple Texts Showing Cardinal Fernández’s ‘Idée Fixe’…

Wikipedia says of a “whiskey priest” that he is “a stock character who shows clear signs of moral weakness while preaching a higher standard.” Perhaps you are familiar with the original whiskey priest in Graham Greene’s novel, The Power and the Glory. Many Catholics are troubled by the book. If it is meant to portray […]

On the relevance and reality of the development of doctrine today…

Presently, within the Catholic Church, there is much discussion concerning the development of doctrine. Traditionally, doctrinal development was understood to be an authentic growth in the Church’s understanding and articulation of what had always been believed and taught. John Henry Cardinal Newman was one of the first to offer this understanding of authentic doctrinal development…

Claudine Gay, Jimmy Lai, and the Truth of Things…

To my mind, the most cringe-inducing moment in the drama of Claudine Gay and her resignation as president of Harvard University was not when she whiffed at unambiguously condemning genocidal threats against Jews as violations of Harvard’s norms for student behavior. That was horrible, to be sure. Even more telling, though, was Gay’s subsequent apology, […]