A joyful sacrifice: How men can prepare for marriage

In our vocations crisis, we mostly focus on the priesthood and religious life, but a new dimension of this crisis falls fast upon us. Without strong Catholic marriages, the primary source of religious vocations would […]

Home Remedies for Seasonal Depression

Cheerful festivities during the Christmas and New Year season brighten our lives. But as those days slip away into the darker and colder days of January, many people may end up feel sad and depressed; overly tired and sleeping too much; and finding a change in appetite, even weight gain. For those who have what […]

Have Faith, Don’t Leave the Church

There are people sitting in the pews right now who are considering leaving the Church because of the constant confusion and chaos within the Church. There are priests struggling with the weight of everything that is going on who are trying to hold onto their priestly vocation. We live in a time when it is […]

Two kidnapped priests released in Nigeria (Fides)

Two Catholic priests who were kidnapped in Nigeria on February 1 have been set free. Father Ken Kanwa and Father Jude Nwachukwu had been abducted from St. Vincent De Paul Fier parish in the Pankshin diocese. While welcoming their release, a spokesman for the Nigerian bishops’ conference said that the epidemic of kidnapping-for-profit had become […]

Italian corruption investigators uncover plan to seek Vatican influence (Crux)

An investigation into government corruption in Italy has unearthed evidence of a plan to win contracts with the Catholic Church by cultivating a relationship with Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican Secretary of State. The available evidence suggests that the scheme was unsuccessful. The alleged conspirators discussed an approach to Cardinal Parolin, but there is no […]

Always forgive, Pope urges priest-confessors (Vatican News)

Pope Francis told a conference on priestly formation that “the root of every form of abuse” in the priesthood is the danger of “growing detached from reality and feeling all-powerful.” Speaking on February 7 to the conference organized by the Dicastery for the Clergy, the Pope said that the priesthood should be a vocation of […]

Silence can be complicity in human trafficking, Pope warns (Vatican News)

In his message for the 10th World Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking, Pope Francis writes: “If we close our eyes and ears, if we do nothing, we will be guilty of complicity.” The annual observance of the World Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking was introduced by Pope Francis in […]

Pope encourages formation of liturgical reform (Vatican Press Office)

Speaking on February 8 to the members of the Dicastery for Divine Worship, Pope Francis said that the Second Vatican Council decided “without liturgical reform, there is not reform of the Church.” For liturgical reform to be successful, the Pope said, “liturgical formation is necessary—that is, formation in the liturgy and from the liturgy.” He […]

The Secret Meaning Behind the Numbers on Your Egg Carton…

Chances are you almost always have eggs in your fridge. Whether baked, scrambled or poached, they’re one of the most versatile items on the grocery list. You might think the best way to pick a carton is by checking the grade, size and expiration date—but there’s a secret behind how long eggs can sit out, […]