Reflections on life, meaning and purpose


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English Catholic priest vindicated for ‘pro-life’ opinion in end-of-life case

Father Patrick Pullicino, an English Catholic priest and neurologist, has been vindicated after being investigated by a U.K. medical regulation agency for giving his expert opinion in an emergency end-of-life case in which he called for further tests before cutting off a hospitalized man’s nutrition and hydration. The man, referred to as “RS,” ultimately died […]

Christian indigenous people in India protest against border fence

New Delhi (KNA) Indigenous ethnic groups and human rights activists in northern India are condemning the sealing off of the border with Myanmar and the end of freedom of movement without visas and passports to the neighbouring country. According to media reports, the sealing off of the border with a fence primarily affects the predominantly […]

End of a DVD era

In the play “Dark At the Top of the Stairs,” a man who sells saddles and other horse-powered carriage supplies finds himself out of a job in early 20th-century America. The fast-moving technology of its age has passed him by and the automobile is replacing the horse and buggy. In 1960, they made a good […]