Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Why Feminists Should Celebrate the Middle Ages (and the Catholic Church)…

It is hard not to shake one’s head when hearing feminist activists describe misogynistic speech and other attacks on women’s dignity as “medieval” — especially for those who have taken the trouble to read the great medievalists such as Régine Pernoud (1909-1998). Indeed, it is this 20th-century French historian and archivist whose prolific work has […]

What Is ‘The Gospel?’…

God loves us despite our sins. Sin divides people from God and one another. So to forgive our sins, to heal our divisions, and to make us saints, God the Father sends his Eternal Son. Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Son of Mary, suffers, dies, and rises again to achieve our reconciliation. Through […]

Farewell to a Pro-Life Hero

Florida’s most notorious abortion clinic is located at 1103 Lucerne Terrace in downtown Orlando. On the sidewalk directly in front of this clinic, the Orlando Women’s Center, there are two prominent marks in the concrete. They are signs of an extraordinary story.  Continue Reading »

Faith: Is It in Your Bones?

February 25, 2024, the Second Sunday of Lent: It seems that Abraham’s near sacrifice of his son is not the most radical thing to contemplate this Sunday. Perhaps it is the belief in a hopeful future even as we are flooded with messages that the world is falling apart.

Obstacles or opportunities? 2024 LA Congress ponders both in a changing world

The challenge of overcoming obstacles — whether they be cultural, spiritual, or even ecclesial — shaped much of the conversation at this year’s Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. Held Feb. 16-18 at the Anaheim Convention Center, the event’s adult sessions drew some 12,000 adult participants and more than a hundred speakers from around the world. […]

Papal envoy calls for ceasefire in Gaza (Crux)

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, who has acted as a special envoy to seek paths to peace in Ukraine, has called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, saying that the Israel’s legitimate need for self-defense “does not justify a huge number of victims.” “We must always try to see peace; war is always a terrible defeat,” the […]