Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Vatican asks German bishops to postpone vote on Synodal Council

Three Vatican Cardinals have written a letter to the Bishops of Germany calling on them to cancel a planned vote on a “Synodal Committee” and to postpone further decisions pending talks between the German Bishops’ Conference and the Roman Curia. Read all  

Vienna Cathedral Turns Jesus Upside Down for Lent

VIENNA ( – A controversial art installation at St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna that turns the Shroud of Turin upside down has sparked outrage among faithful Catholics.  Gottfried Helnwein The Lenten cloth triptych is by Gottfried Helnwein, who has been dubbed a “shock painter” and a “rock star among hyperrealist artists with a penchant for provocation,” […]

What would St. Thomas Aquinas make of AI?

What would Thomas Aquinas think of artificial intelligence (AI), and what does a large language model think of Thomas Aquinas? According to one German theologian, the Catholic saint and doctor of the Church can contribute to contemporary discussions about AI’s risks and its role in society. In an interview with CNA Deutsch, CNA’s German-language news […]