Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Exploring the Thesis of the ‘Ratzinger Code’: Did Pope Benedict Fake His Resignation?

A best-selling book in Italy puts forward the controversial thesis that Pope Benedict XVI did not actually resign the papacy but tricked his powerful opponents in the Vatican to reveal themselves with a fake resignation. HELP US FIGHT THE LIES OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND SPREAD THE TRUTH AROUND THE WORLD: SHOP YOUR FAVORITE […]

Preaching the Real Presence

Preaching the Real Presence I recently had occasion to attend Mass at two different local parishes. The church I more frequently visit is a plain, vaguely Romanesque wooden structure built in the nineteenth century. It looks very much like the church I went to as a child and where I received my First Communion and […]

More Than a Sequel

More Than a Sequel Interested in discussing this article in your classroom, parish, reading group, or Commonweal Local Community? Click here for a free discussion guide. The experience of living through a particular time period can, of course, be quite different from a retrospective look back on the same period. The Beatles produced and released […]

Attention and Poetry

Attention and Poetry Truth did not come into the world naked but in symbols and images. There is rebirth, and there is an image of rebirth, and it is by means of this image that one must be reborn. —Gospel of Philip In the old books, the just man is often given the heavenly name […]

Superbowl Jesus

Superbowl Jesus On Sunday a Super Bowl ad titled “Foot Washing” showed people in various configurations, often from disparate racial or social groups, washing one another’s feet. Toward the end of the ad, words flashed across a black screen: “JESUS DIDN’T TEACH HATE. HE WASHED FEET. HE GETS US. ALL OF US.” In the final […]