Saltem Diebus Dominicis: Laetare Sunday 4th of Lent – We are our rites

We are now, on this 4th Sunday of Lent, 21 days from Easter. During Lent we have been fasting and abstaining from liturgical ornaments, making our sacred worship more austere as befits a penitential season. However, today some flowers are permitted on the altar and some instrumental music can convey the holy texts. We use […]

Bishop Rules on Supposed Apparitions of Virgin Mary in Italy

jannoon028 Mary is the mother of God-made-man, who is the only one who could make reparation for our sins. In his decree, the Italian prelate explained that the messages of the supposed Marian apparitions contained “numerous theological errors.”

The Last Prophecy of St. Thomas Aquinas Before He Died 750 Years Ago

DALL-E An illustration of the topic of Thomas Aquinas and AI created by DALL-E, a text-to-image model native to ChatGPT. In the cloister, he spoke the following prophecy to his companion: “Reginaldo, my son, here will be my rest forever, here I will live because I have desired it.”