Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope appeals to St. Joseph to help war victims (Vatican News)

On March 20, Pope Francis renewed his appeal for peace in Ukraine and in the Holy Land, and called upon St. Jospeh to help those “who suffer so greatly from the horror of war.” The Pope repeated his insistence that “war is always a defeat.”

Prudence is focus of weekly papal audience (Vatican News)

At his regular weekly public audience on March 20, Pope Francis continued his series of catechetical talks on the virtues, speaking about prudence. Citing the words of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Pontiff said that prudence is “right reason in action.” Prudence is “not the virtue of the timorous person,” he insisted, but it “means that […]

Haiti bishops not to join CARICOM-sponsored transitional council

The bishops of Haiti welcome the Caribbean Community’s initiative, but say they haven’t appointed anyone to represent the Catholic Church in the presidential council charged with selecting an interim prime minister to restore order in the country. Read all  

A Morbid Development in Belgium

There has been a 15% increase in medicalized and scheduled deaths according to figures which were recently published in Belgium on February 27, 2024. Once again, proof has been provided that the barriers in ethical matters are being trampled one after another on the Old Continent, with general indifference.

The Conclave of the Future

While repeated influenza conditions hitting the Sovereign Pontiff are giving the media the opportunity to raise the prospect of a future conclave, other voices are being heard seeking to change the course of the election of Peter’s successor, by taking into account the new challenges arising from the digital revolution and artificial intelligence.

Gender Ideology Questioned by Science

Gender ideology has just taken a turn for the worse. A team of researchers from Stanford University in California examined the brain and raised the question as to the possible differences between men and women. What they found risks disappointing more than one progressive in search of “deconstruction.”

Hong Kong: Confidentiality of the Sacrament of Confession Threatened

The Legislative Assembly of the former British colony of Hong Kong is preparing to adopt in record time the National Security Law presented on March 8, 2024. This bill takes the repression of all forms of dissent in Hong Kong to a new, unprecedented level: such as life imprisonment for the crime of “treason,” and […]