Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Holy Week, the Annunciation and St. Dismas

National Catholic Register Titian’s painting ‘Christ and the Good Thief,’ ca. 1566 COMMENTARY: The Good Thief is our companion this Holy Week, giving hope to every sinner who worries that it might be too late.

Pope warns Nigerians against tribalism (Vatican Press Office)

Meeting on March 25 with members of the Nigerian community in Rome, Pope Francis warned against “tribal isolation.” “True, one’s own culture is a gift,” the Pope allowed. “Yet not to close it off, but to give it to offer it.” “Universality,” the Pope said, repeating: “Universality.” The persistent deadly conflict in Nigeria, which pits […]

Myanmar cardinal prays for hope amid wartime fears (Fides)

Cardinal Charles Maung Bo of Yangon called for prayers,”imploring the Almighty to dispel the darkness of conflict and usher in a new dawn of hope and harmony,” in an Easter message to the people of Myanmar. The cardinal went on to pray for “the anguished cries of the innocent, the tears of the oppressed, and […]

Cardinal Fernandez meets with Pontiff; new document expected (Vatican News)

Pope Francis met on March 25 with Cardinal Victor Fernandez, the prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith; and with Msgr. Armando Matteo, the secretary of the dicastery. Although the Vatican did not announce the reason for the meeting—and the Pontiff regularly meets with dicastery heads in private audiences—today’s meeting is worthy […]

Vatican prefect: ending celibacy would not spur vocations (Irish Catholic)

Ending the discipline of clerical celibacy would not cause a rise in vocations, the prefect of the Dicastery for Clergy told an Irish audience. Speaking at the Marian shrine at Knock, Cardinal Lazzaro You Heung-sik observed that if allowing priests to marry would resolve the shortage of priests, the Orthodox churches should be abounding with […]

Pope repeats message to youth: Hagan lio! (Vatican Press Office)

In a message for the 5th anniversary of Christus Vivit, Pope Francis repeated a memorable exhortation to young people: “Hagan lio! Make a mess! Today, once again, I ask you: Make your voices heard.” The Pope said that he wanted to communicate a message of hope and confidence. “In today’s world, marked by so many […]

Argentine bishops critique Milei’s policies (Crux)

The Catholic bishops of Argentina have released a highly detailed critique of the policies of President Javier Milei, charging his government with “social insensitivity.” The justice-and-peace commission of the bishops’ conference said that Milei’s policies have led to the loss of 200,000 jobs and caused severe problems for small businesses and small farms. The report […]