Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

French Musical ‘Bernadette of Lourdes’ to Take the American Stage

‘Bernadette of Lourdes’ tells the saint’s story in a new way. ‘Universal story’ will arrive in the U.S. this summer, coinciding with the Eucharistic Congress: ‘Everything started with this little 13-year old girl, who was sick, uneducated, poor and had no prospects and who was, nevertheless, chosen. This is the story that we wanted to […]

US bishops call for Holy Week prayers to end Israel–Hamas war (USCCB)

The president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the chairman of the bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace called on the faithful, as well as all people of good will, to pray during Holy Week for an end to the Israel–Hamas war. “Thousands of innocent people have died in this conflict, […]

On Palm Sunday, Pope prays that people open hearts to God, quell all hatred (CNS)

Pope Francis presided at Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Square on March 24; there was no homily. Cardinal Claudio Gugerotti, prefect of the Dicastery for Eastern Churches, was the principal celebrant. At the conclusion of the Mass, Pope Francis delivered a brief address and led the recitation of the Angelus. During his address, the […]

At the start of Holy Week, Cardinal Bo laments ‘devastating toll of conflict’

MUMBAI, India – Cardinal Charles Bo of Yangon says Christians mark Holy Week reflecting on the “devastating toll of conflict even in the birthplace of Jesus, Ukraine, and our own soil.” The President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Myanmar and President of Federations of Asia Bishops Conferences said in a message, “let us raise […]

African women push for greater representation in the Church management

YAOUNDÉ, Cameroon – “Why don’t we have women Cardinals in the Church?” quipped Sister Josée Ngalula, the first–ever African woman to be a member of the International Theological Commission. It was a witty remark – one that centered the conversation on how women can have a greater say in the Vatican. This was the major […]