Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

White House creates Easter furor with annual transgender message, contest rules

(OSV News) — A proclamation from the nation’s second Catholic president on a transgender-themed occasion is causing consternation among some faithful, as the date coincides this year with Easter — and as the annual White House Easter egg art contest bans, among other things, religious symbolism. On March 29, President Joe Biden issued his annual […]

Pope’s global round-up interesting in part for what he didn’t say

ROME – A pope’s Easter Sunday Urbi et Orbi blessing, meaning “to the city and the world,” is generally understood to be one of his premier foreign policy statements of the year, a sort of 365-degree review of the global situation. Which issues and hotspots a pontiff chooses to highlight, therefore – and, equally, which […]

We understand the Easter mystery in prayer

As we see the Lord Jesus in prayer, there are certain practical pointers we can learn from him, even as there is a mystery at play. In his prayer, the Lord’s divine and human nature are expressed and we can learn from him in both these ways. As we seek to pray, we have no […]

How to revive the celebration of Eastertide

null / Credit: udra11/Shutterstock National Catholic Register, Mar 31, 2024 / 06:00 am (CNA). Easter Sunday begins the Easter season. The 50-day Eastertide, running to Pentecost, is the longest season on the Church calendar (not counting Ordinary Time). Everything starts with the joyous celebrations of Easter Sunday and the Easter Octave to Divine Mercy Sunday. […]

The Resurrection and the Meaning of Life

If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Think of what is above, not of what is on earth. For you have […]

Let’s celebrate Easter for a while

This year, I’m glad to see Lent come to an end, and not just because of Easter Alleluias and Cadbury dark chocolate eggs. It was a tough Lent. Part of it, of course, had nothing explicitly to do with Lent. The news has generally been dreadful, a reminder, I suppose of why we need saving. […]