Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

To be a good preacher, pray more and read widely

Good preaching requires mastery of rhetoric, particularly the tools of repetition and organization, says John Baldovin, S.J. But also, he adds with hyperbolic emphasis, “you have to read, read, read, read, read and pray, pray, pray, pray, pray.”

Challenging the “Mediocrity” of Catholic Motherhood

The vocation of raising a family and especially that of a stay-at-home mother has, in our day and age, become almost a fate worse than death. There is an idea that your twenties are a time for wild (and naughty) fun, and it’s not until your thirties that you turn boring, “resigning” yourself to marriage […]

For Popes, meeting the press has always been risky business…

Pop(e) Quiz: Which of the following modern pontiffs gave a high-profile interview to a journalist on extremely sensitive subjects, the result of which was controversy inside and outside the Catholic Church, compelling Vatican officials and spokespersons to issue ‘clarifications’ which did relatively little to calm the waters?

A total solar eclipse through a lens of faith

A total solar eclipse. / Credit: Public domain via Pixabay National Catholic Register, Apr 7, 2024 / 14:00 pm (CNA). When the moon passes between the sun and Earth creating a total solar eclipse on April 8, many Catholics in its path will be lo… […]

A New Book about Pope Francis

The last FSSPX.News article on a book about the Pope, on March 19, 2024, introduced Francis’ memoire titled Life: My Story Through History; but today’s article is about another work: a book-length interview with Spanish journalist Javier Martínez-Brocal, to be released on April 3, 2024, under the title El Sucesor.

Senegal: Expectation After the Presidential Election

On March 24, 2024, Bassirou Diomaye Faye won the presidential vote handily and will soon be sworn in as the fifth president of the Republic of Senegal, the youngest in the country’s history, at just 44-years old. Accused of being linked to Salafist Islam, the new president will have to reassure the Christian minority which […]