Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Colombia ravaged by wildfires

Colombia faces severe wildfires, burning nearly 100,000 hectares, including Bogota, amid a tough dry season. Firefighters combat the crisis with scarce resources.

Lawsuit challenging Indiana abortion restrictions succeeds on religious-freedom grounds (AP)

Granting a victory to Hoosier Jews for Choice, an Indiana appellate court has ruled that the state’s religious-freedom law takes precedence over the state’s restrictions on abortion when individuals “engage in a religious exercise by pursuing an abortion.” “The State has provided little authority—and none that we find persuasive—to support the more restrictive view that […]

USCCB action alert: Oppose IVF bills, as preborn lives are at stake (USCCB)

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has warned the faithful that “members of Congress—including many who consider themselves pro-life—are now in a rush to declare a new national ‘right’ to in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other such technologies that destroy preborn human lives and treat people like property (like surrogacy, gene editing, and cloning).” […]

Diocese of Rome shake-up: Pope Francis transfers vicar to Vatican post (CNA)

Pope Francis has named Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, his vicar for Rome since 2017, as Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary, succeeding Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, 79, who had held the position since 2013. The Pontiff also transferred Auxiliary Bishop Daniele Libanori, SJ, out of the Diocese of Rome, and named him to the new and […]