Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Trump Touts Support For IVF, Abortion in Various Circumstances

Former president and presumptive Republican White House nominee Donald Trump declared abortion policy should be left to the states in a video address Monday morning. Trump insisted that he strongly supports the availability of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and that he is in favor of allowing the abortion of babies who are conceived through rape or incest. […]

Trump touts support for IVF, abortion in various circumstances

Trump reiterated that he is ‘strongly in favor of exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother’, and that while pro-life voters ‘must follow your heart,’ they ‘must also win elections’ to reverse America’s broader decline.Read More

Spiritual Eclipse and the Darkness of Sin

Mahmoud Zayyat A picture taken on January 4, 2011 from the hills above the southern Lebanese coastal city of Sidon shows the world’s first partial solar eclipse of 2011 behind the landmark statue of the Virgin Mary in the Christian village of Maghdusheh. COMMENTARY: God’s light never ceases to shine and is far more abundant […]

Papal appointments bring changes to Diocese of Rome

Pope Francis has made major changes to the Diocese of Rome, giving new positions to both Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, his vicar for the diocese since 2017, and Auxiliary Bishop Daniele Libanori, a Jesuit who has served as auxiliary for the past six years.  

Cardinal Fernández: Every single person has dignity

The Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, presents the Dicastery’s just-published declaration “Dignitas Infinita” in the Holy See Press Office, calling it a document “fundamental” for remembering that “everyone has their inalienable dignity.” Read all  

Churches in Mediterranean discuss migrant ministry in Marseille

Following Pope Francis’s Apostolic Journey to Marseille, France, on the occasion of the Mediterranean Meetings in September 2023, the French Archdiocese convenes the “MED 24 on Migrations” to discuss coordinated pastoral efforts for migrants in the region. Read all