Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Mexican bishop abducted, released (AP)

A retired Mexican bishop known for his attempts to mediate between drug cartels was abducted on April 27 and then released. Bishop Salvador Rangel, OFM, 78, retired as bishop of Chilpancingo-Chilapa in 2022. “Considering his poor health, we call firmly but respectfully to those who are holding Bishop Rangel captive to allow him to take […]

What Did Obama Mean?

What Did Obama Mean? For a while there—it’s funny to remember now—many of us felt as though Barack Obama was going to change reality itself with the power of his speeches. They really were, by the standards of latter-day American political oratory, rather good. The man could hold at least two ideas in his head, […]

The Death of Death?

The April edition of Life Extension magazine contains an article called “The Death of Death,” subtitled “The Scientific Possibility of Physical Immortality and its Moral Defense.” To say that its “moral defense” lacks any teeth would be a laughable understatement. The article bears the same title as a book authored by Jose Cordeiro, Ph.D., and […]

Tucker Carlson’s Spiritual World

Did spiritual beings help man develop the atomic bomb? Did they warn us in advance of 9/11 through Alex Jones? Tucker Carlson seems to think so, as he indicated while on Joe Rogan’s podcast recently. The three-hour conversation between the two media giants covered a whole host of topics, including the atomic bombing in Japan, […]