Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

What the Pro-Palestinian Campus Protests Are Really About

The recent pro-Palestinian student protests on elite university campuses across the country offer fascinating, if somewhat depressing, insights into the state of modern American culture. It is not so much that the lunatics have taken over the asylum as the kindergartners have taken over the nursery. Continue Reading »

Bishops, borders, and the (bully) pulpit

“Texas Bishop Taking on Greg Abbott Gets Pope Francis’ Protection” is the curious title of an April 30th article in Newsweek. Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso needs “protection” from Greg Abbott? Are there Texas […]

Daily Devotional: May 2, 2024

Today is Thursday, May 2nd, 2024, the feast of St. Athanasius, a Third Class Feast, with the liturgical color of white. In this episode: News from the District of Asia and their recent missionary activities, a preview of the sermon, “Unapologetically Catholic,”and a Quote from Archbishop Lefebvre The email version of this Devotional is a perfect companion! Subscribe […]

Bishops’ conference posts 30-minute video touting CCHD (USCCB)

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has posted to YouTube a 30-minute video touting the work of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), its controversial anti-poverty program. The conference posted the video on April 30, days after it was reported that its director, Ralph McCloud, resigned amid CCHD’s financial woes. The video was […]

USCCB committee chairman criticizes requirement to perform transgender procedures (USCCB)

The chairman of the US bishops’ Committee for Religious Liberty criticized the Biden administration for announcing regulations which, the bishops’ conference noted, “generally require health care workers to perform ‘gender transition’ procedures in the name of nondiscrimination.” “The same core beliefs about human dignity and the wisdom of God’s design that motivate Catholics to care […]