Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Bombs falling over Gaza were made in the U.S.A.

Some of the “made in the U.S.A.” bombs Israel Defense Forces are dropping over Gaza include 2,000-pound bombs that have been responsible for some of the most devastating—and questionable—strikes of the months-long campaign against Hamas.

Holy Land prelate mystified by US campus protests (Crux)

Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin-rite Patriarch of Jerusalem, expressed dismay about the campus protests in the US about the war in Gaza, in remarks to reporters during a visit to Rome. Cardinal Pizzaballa, who was in Rome to take formal possession of the titular church assigned to him when he was made a cardinal, spoke […]

Trump gaining among Catholic voters, poll shows (CNA)

Former President Donald Trump has opened a lead of more than 10 percentage points over President Joe Biden among Catholic voters, according to a new Pew poll. Pell finds Trump favored by Catholic voters by a 55%—43% margin. In 2020 the two candidates were virtually equal among Catholic voters, with Trump winning by just a […]

Pope seeks ‘patient’ ecumenical dialogue with Anglicans (Vatican News)

At a May 2 meeting with leader Anglican clerics, Pope Francis called for a “patient and fraternal dialogue” on the question of papal primacy. The Pontiff acknowledged that “the role of the Bishop of Rome is still a controversial and divisive issue among Christians.” He said that the papal role must be understood as “a […]

Pope says society must accept transgender people (National Catholic Reporter)

“Transgender people must be accepted and integrated into society,” Pope Francis wrote in a letter to Sister Jeannine Gramick. The Pontiff wrote to Sister Gramick—one of the founders of New Ways Ministry, whose advocacy for homosexuals drew a caution from the Vatican from the US bishops’ conference in 2010—after she had written to complain about […]