Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Science Provides the New ‘5 Ways’ for the Existence of God

Book cover of ‘New Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God’ by José Carlos González-Hurtado ‘God, the first principle and the end of all things, can be known with certainty from the created world by the natural light of human reason.’ (Vatican Council I)

Stressed or Having Difficulty at Work? Turn to These 6 Saints for Help

Work can be a source of stress, but also a form of sanctification if we dedicate our difficulties to God. If your work situation is a cause for concern, you can ask these saints for help. They will be your ideal intercessors in this fight! 1) Saint Joseph the Worker Saint Joseph, the patron saint […]

What changed when parents gave their 10-year-old her first iPad?

I continue to work my way through the much-discussed book “The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness” by Jonathan Haidt. It’s slow work, in part because I am taking lots of notes. I don’t know about you folks, but I am a slow, careful reader when […]

Murder of priest highlights rising violence in South Africa

In an incident that highlights the grim reality of South Africa’s deteriorating security crises, another priest has fallen victim to violence. Father Paul Tatu Mothobi, former Media and Communications Officer of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC), was found dead on April 27. According to Father Jeremia Thami Mkhwanazi – the Provincial Secretary of […]