Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Playing the venereal game

A book subtitled The Venereal Game is not normally one to be recommended in a family newspaper. Bear with me, however. The book’s title, An Exaltation of Larks, should tell you that I’m not citing an X-rated volume […]

Fight anti-Semitism and defend Palestinian rights, convert priest urges (L’Osservatore Romano (Italian))

In “Anti-Semitism and Palestine,” a lengthy essay in the Vatican newspaper, Father David Neuhaus, SJ traced the history of anti-Semitism and argued that anti-Semitism has been a “catastrophe for Palestinians.” The priest, a convert from Judaism and former vicar for Hebrew-speaking Catholics in the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, argued that anti-Semitism helped contribute to the […]

South Korean dioceses seek to counter low birth rate (Fides)

Dioceses in South Korea, the nation with the world’s lowest fertility rate (0.72), have undertaken various initiatives to encourage births. These initiatives include Masses for life, financial benefits for families that have children, and subsidies for education.

Anti-semitism and Palestine

David Neuhaus, S.J., Professor of Scripture in Israel and Palestine, is a long-term member of the Holy Land Catholic Church’s Justice and Peace Commission. In this article, he reflects on the catastrophe of anti-Semitism for Jews and Palestinians and on current definitions of anti-Semitism that, he says, delegitimize the struggle for justice and peace in […]

The Guerrilla Warfare of Journaling

I began a daily journal on March 15, 2020, when everything solid turned liquid. I had just written a letter to Bishop Burns of Dallas, begging him, for pity’s sake, not to close the churches like Boston and Newark had done. I naïvely hoped such foolishness would never take hold in Texas. So, my journal […]