Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

A moveable feast, Twitter bishops, and too many whales…

Depending on where you are, or were yesterday, you’ve either celebrated the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord or will do so this Sunday. There are three tiers of canon law at play here, and people often ask us what the deal is, what exactly their obligations are, and even how fast and loose […]

Cardiac Attest: How the Sacred Liturgy Can Ignite Souls with Sacred Heart of Christ…

The Sacred Liturgy Conference has been graced by the guidance of several outstanding Church leaders over the years. Cardinals, archbishops, monsignors, priests, religious, and laity have helped to unfold the richness of liturgical life to hundreds of participants. Dr. Lynne Bissonnette-Pitre spoke with Adoremus correspondent Trent Beattie about this year’s conference in the Diocese of […]

The transitional diaconate is integral to the Catholic Church…

Is the transitional diaconate still necessary? In other words, is it necessary for a priest to first be ordained a deacon before being ordained to the priesthood? In the recent essay “The Catholic Church doesn’t need transitional deacons.” for America Magazine, Deacon William T. Ditewig argues a resounding no. According to him, the diaconal step […]

Exploring little-known sites in the Holy Land: Stairway to the Sanhedrin, Chapel of the Ascension, St. Stephen’s Battleground, and the (Empty) Tomb of Our Lady …

After taking a brief respite at Our Lady’s “Rest Stop,” (see my previous post), I continued on the ancient route from Bethlehem into the Holy City of Jerusalem. For many reasons, visiting Jerusalem is always an incredible blessing and honor. Our Lord Himself in Matthew 5:35 refers to Jerusalem as “the city of the great […]

How St. Thomas Aquinas helps us resist ‘weaponized’ laws

Any purported law, which either (a) is contrary to reason, (b) is contrary to the common good of the community for which it is made, (c) is made by an individual lacking legitimate authority or (d) is not duly promulgated, is null and void and has no binding effect. Read More

Paris Foreign Missions: The Christian Epic in Japan

From March 15 to July 13, 2024, the Paris Foreign Missions (MEP) are organizing an exhibition titled: “From Samurai to Manga: The Christian Epic in Japan.” An opportunity to discover this chapter of Catholic missions as well as to get to know the Paris Foreign Missions better. This article summarizes the presentation made on its […]