Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

10 Life-Changing Daily Rules of Life, From St. John XXIII…

In high school, I stumbled across The Journal of a Soul by Pope John XXIII. Besides the knowledge that he convened the Second Vatican Council, was affectionately known as “Good Pope John,” and had a sense of humor, I had not known much else about him. His journal — which he began as a young […]

Beethoven, Garth Brooks and Tom Brady Converge at the Vatican…

It was an inspired choice for the Vatican to hold its World Meeting on Human Fraternity in the same week as the bicentennial of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, a sublime anthem and prayer for universal brotherhood. From the sublime to the … well, less sublime; Garth Brooks and Tom Brady will be on hand, too.

‘The Chosen’ star Jonathan Roumie urges Catholic University grads to emulate Christ

“The Chosen” actor Jonathan Roumie gives the commencement speech at the Catholic University of America on Saturday, May 11, 2024. / Credit: Denny Henry/The Catholic University of America Washington, D.C. Newsroom, May 11, 2024 / 15:18 pm (CNA). Actor Jonathan Roumie, who plays Jesus Christ in the popular television series “The Chosen,” encouraged graduates at […]

Fraternity is every child’s mother tongue

The “Children’s Table” was a joyful and spontaneous moment at the World Meeting on Human Fraternity. Children responded enthusiastically to the Pope on the definition of happiness, peace, and friendship, before the he signed the “Children’s Declaration on Fraternity.” Read all