Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

How are Catholics reacting to ‘Dignitas Infinita’?

“If you are not challenged somewhere in your own moral thinking by reading [“Dignitas Infinita”], then you most likely have not read it thoroughly enough,” wrote Sam Sawyer, S.J., America’s editor in chief, in his Of Many Things column last month.

How poll workers are defending democracy

WIthout free and fair elections because we cannot effectively address any of the issues mentioned in “Faithful Citizenship,” from protecting the unborn to creating a more just economy.

Harrison Butker for President

Three-time Super Bowl Champion Harrison Butker is the latest target of the Woke Mob. His offense? Butker, a Catholic, spoke about Catholicism at a Catholic school’s graduation ceremonies. Clearly he now must be canceled. Of course it’s more complicated than that. Butker specifically spoke of those aspects of Catholicism that we’re not supposed to talk […]