Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Movie on Blessed Carlo Acutis and his love for the Eucharist opens this weekend

School children read about the life of Blessed Carlo Acutis at the celebration of his new shrine at St. Dominic Parish in Brick, New Jersey. Oct, 1, 2023. / Credit: Thomas P. Costello II ACI Prensa Staff, May 17, 2024 / 14:46 pm (CNA). The film “Eucharistic Miracles: The Heartbeat of Heaven” about Blessed Carlo […]

Vatican Silences God?

Well, the latest shoot-from-the-hip blast from Tucho “Heal Me with Your Mouth” Fernández dropped today, and I had the sad impression that the anti-Catholic caricature of Dostoyevsky’s Grand Inquisitor had finally come to life. In the story, Our Lord Jesus Himself appears in Spain in the days of High Christendom and works a miracle. He’s […]

New Vatican norms centralize decisions on apparitions (Vatican Press Office)

The Vatican has released new norms for discerning the authenticity of Marian apparitions and other reports of supernatural phenomena. A document released on May 17 by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) gives that Vatican office the role of issuing a final pronouncement on reported apparitions, after an investigation by the bishop […]

Thomas Aquinas College goes off the grid with green power plan

CNA—A sequestered Catholic college in the foothills of California launched an energy program that has nearly eliminated the college’s carbon footprint while saving $600,000 a year, giving the school more reliable energy than the state power grid. A unique college, even among Catholic colleges Thomas Aquinas College (TAC), a campus of more than 500 students,… […]

Catholic pilgrimages in the United States: a new renaissance?

CNA—This weekend, the longest Catholic pilgrimages ever organized in the United States — possibly the world — will commence on the edges of the country. The National Eucharistic Pilgrimages, organized as part of the multiyear National Eucharistic Revival, will see a group of young men and women collectively walk over 6,500 miles, carrying the Eucharist… […]